The Asian Development Bank – Japan Scholarship Program
The Asian Development Bank (ADB), with funding from the government of Japan, established the ADB-Japan Scholarship Program (JSP) in 1988. It is one of the most important sources of financial assistance for graduate students in the Asia-Pacific region. The aim of ADB-JSP is to encourage and strengthen human resource development, and nation-building with its partner countries within the region.
In 1989, AIM was one of the first ADB-designated institutions to receive full-time scholarship funding for qualified and deserving students. The scholarship award covers a 100% tuition fee, including campus dormitory accommodation, one round-trip economy class airfare, and a stipend.
For over 30 years, the ADB-JSP through AIM’s Master in Development Management program has already produced 1,292 graduates coming from 34 partner countries within the Asia-Pacific region. Evidently, ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate poverty.
ADB-JSP Scholarship Criteria
The ADB-JSP is open to all nationals from ADB member countries. To know more if your country is a member, click here to see the full list of member countries. Below are the criteria that an ADB-JSP scholarship applicant should:
- Be a graduate of any bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or institute of higher learning.
- Have at least 2-3 years of strong professional experience, preferably at the supervisory or managerial level.
- Not be more than 45 years old at the start of the program.
- Not have any prior master’s or doctoral degree(s).
- Not have lived, worked, or studied in a country other than his/her own home country.
- Have proficient academic records.
- Be proficient in spoken and written English.
- Agree to return to his/her home country after the completion of the MDM program.
- Duly Accomplished ADB-JSP Information Sheet (download here)
- Copy of Undergraduate Diploma
- Copy of Official Transcript of Records with Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
- Certificate of Employment for the last 5 years issued by the company (preferably with company’s letterhead/logo), stating the start and end date of employment (e.g. Jan 2016 to Dec 2017 or Jan 2016 to present)
- Certificate of Income issued by the company (preferably with company’s letterhead/logo), can be any of the following:
- Annual Income*
- Monthly Income*
- Latest Income Tax Return
- Certificate of Family Income issued by the company (preferably with company’s letterhead/logo):
- Parents’ Annual/Monthly Income* if the applicant is single
- Spouse’s Annual/Monthly Income* if the applicant is married
- If the status is unemployed, or parents/spouse may be retired or deceased, an authenticated supporting document must be submitted
- Passport Copy of Applicant
*Note: if in local currency, fill out and submit the income conversion to USD form provided by ADB-JSP. (download here)
*Note: MDM 2025 classes will start in January 2025.
Scholarship applications will only be processed once candidates are admitted to the program. AIM will screen your application based on its own selection criteria, keeping in mind the ADB eligibility requirements and selection criteria. In turn, ADB will review the submissions from AIM and based on their selection criteria, will recommend awardees to the Executive Director for formal approval.